- "Some writing moments you do remember really specifically and that was one. We were coming down from Carlisle. I was sat on the tour bus, with my guitar, unplugged. I'd come up with this figure, I was absolutely ecstatic about it, but I couldn't work out how my fingers were playing it. So I was holding my breath in case I lost it."
"'Strangeways' has its moments, like 'Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Love Me'. Last time I met Morrissey he said it was his favourite Smiths song. He might be right."
- Johnny Marr
I have uploaded a Guitar Pro tab file for this song here(right click to save). Oddly enough, it has the long intro tabbed, and the entire bass part, but no guitar parts. Hopefully someone can amend the file and add them in.
Here are the scans from the Strangeways PVG book(thanks to MorrisseyScans for these tabs):
Here are the tabs from the Singles book:

Here are the scans from the Complete Chord Dictionary:
thirdynumberone has updated his previous acoustic attempt with an awesome electric version, and he also does the full intro:
buckleyboyben does a great version of the same riff, on his guitar which is tuned to F#(no capo needed):
adameater does a cool little lesson on acoustic:
Thaanks! I've searched this sheet for 3 months!!
the two files for the backing tracks seem to be .gpx and .gp3, is that normal?
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